12 Things You Didn't Know About Kingpin

8. Wasn't He Supposed To Be African-American?

Kingpin Wilson Fisk Marvel Comics
20th Century Fox

Michael Clarke Duncan played Wilson Fisk in the 2004 film, Daredevil. Since Duncan was literally the most gigantic person in Hollywood, he seemed like a perfect choice for the role.

This started a rumour that Kingpin was meant to be dark-skinned in the comics but it was changed at the last minute since the writers didn't want to depict a mobster as a black man due to the Civil Rights Movement at the time.

According to the artist who originally drew the character, John Romita Sr, Kingpin was always meant to be Caucasian. In an interview, Romita said, "Facially, I patterned him after two actors: Edward Arnold, an overweight guy with a big wide face and a hooked nose who was a huge star in the 30s and 40s, and another guy named Robert Middleton, who was bald. I took those two guys and put them together."

All that said, although the Daredevil movie was shredded by critics, Duncan's performance as Fisk was one of the only highlights of an otherwise mediocre film.


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