14 Greatest Batman Comic Book Moments Of 2013

1. Bruce Wayne Makes His Decision - Issue #23

Becoming Batman And Answering His Calling At the end of the fantastic Zero Year story, Bruce Wayne is handed a brutal beating at the hands of The Red Hood Gang. Following his failure, he roams the halls of his parents home in search of answers - how can he make them proud and avenge their deaths? These scenes, most of which are without dialogue, are perfection at the hands of Capullo. Bruce is trying ever so hard, but he is failing time and again. He is in need of support, he is need of comfort, and he is in need of closure. His "father reminds him" that the Wayne's are founders of their great city, and then he moves underneath the mansion where finds his answer towards retribution - becoming a bat. The caverns beneath the mansion are alive with bats, and so Bruce discovers the means to his end. He makes this legendary decision with a look in his eye of a man obsessed, possibly even crazed, having found the key to unlocking his destiny. Again, another great set of panels from Capullo, and a fitting beginning to the Batman legend is so crafted. What were your favourite Bat-moments in the comics this year? Are you on board with Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo? Sound off below in our comments section, and with me on Twitter: @davyshrader

From and currently living in Appalachia - Love just about all things Pop Culture