14 Worst Male Superhero Costumes
1. B'wana Beast
There are a lot of characters in comic history that haven’t aged well, yet not many were considered inappropriate at the time. However, B’wana Beast was so racist, even the character’s co-creator Mike Sekowsky refused to continue drawing him.
Michael Payson Maxwell was portrayed as the white saviour of Africa. After defeating a mutant ape, Maxwell was recognised as the beast’s master and given an ancient helmet as a gift. The helmet allowed him to read the minds of animals and control their actions. He decided it was a gift that must be used for the good of Africa and took up the name B’Wana Beast, which in Swahili means “master”.
As if calling yourself the saviour of the ‘Dark Continent’ wasn’t bad enough, his choice of outfit was no better. Most people who spend time fighting wild animals would think to cover up their flesh, for obvious reasons. Maxwell had no concern for such things and got a matching loin cloth to go with his leopard print helmet.
For some strange reason, the character was hidden in an episode of Legends of Tomorrow, with a more realistic take on the helmet. Unsurprisingly, it looked even worse than the comic design, and we shall never speak of him again.