14 Worst Male Superhero Costumes

8. Hawkeye

Batman Zebra
Marvel Comics

Just because we have already talked about Clint’s awful Goliath costume, doesn’t mean we aren’t going to address his classic Hawkeye get-up.

For a one trick pony, Barton sure went over the top with his Hawkeye costume. It’s not even as if he had a great personality to make up for the overload of purple and that ridiculous mask. He was basically a criminal when he first hooked up with Black Widow, clashes with the other Avengers often and tries to seduce Scarlet Witch almost immediately.

It doesn’t seem to have much tactical benefit either, it’s certainly not going to be helpful on a stealth mission. Despite that, Barton had a good reason to keep on wearing it. He had modelled the costume on his former mentor, Trick-Shot, who had basically raised him alongside Swordsman at the carnival.

While there are fans of the classic design, Barton’s outfit these days looks way more appropriate. Thanks in part to Jeremy Renner’s portrayal of Hawkeye in the MCU, he now sports more of an understated outfit with just a splash of purple.


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