14 Worst Male Superhero Costumes

7. Stingray

Batman Zebra
Marvel Comics

Stingray had potential to be a great character. Essentially the underwater Iron Man, Walter Newell designed and created an armoured exoskeleton suit composed of an artificial cartilage. The suit offered abilities such as an increase in swimming speed, super-strength and durability to survive the immense pressure at depth.

Still not content, Newell made sure to pack some firepower into the suit. It was capable of firing electrical "bullets" charged with up to 20,000 volts, which is obviously bad news for anyone who picks an underwater fight.

Sadly, Stingray has continued to stay in the background with the other D-listers. He still manages to feature quite regularly, but is usually reduced to a couple of lines of dialogue before he disappears again. So how does such a great character get stuck in obscurity?

While his suit might be technologically brilliant, visually it’s a bit of a dud. The white and red colour scheme makes it difficult to distinguish what the shape is actually based on. Then there is that helmet. You would think he would have gone to a little more effort in designing something to cover his face, but for some reason he just chose a downwards facing arrow.


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