15 DCeased Moments That Shocked The World

13. 'Darkseid Was'

Batman Nightwing DCeased
DC Comics

A dark god with an almost unimaginable level of power, Darkseid's death is usually one of the most shocking moments of any comic it features in - as was the case most famously with Final Crisis. The magical thing about DCeased, however, is that while this is certainly a shocking moment, it's nowhere near the pinnacle of the series, which is almost more surprising than the actual death itself.

Which is not to suggest that the God of Apokalips's demise isn't absolutely insane. Having been infected with the corrupted anti-life equation, Darkseid goes beserk, reaching the core of the death and then unleashing his full power, which destroys Apokalips itself in one mighty blast.

Dying in an exploding planet is maybe the single coolest way a person can die that doesn't involve them putting on sunglasses, and it all happens so quick that you don't have time to predict it before it happens - as is the case with all of comic's best shocking moments.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.