15 Greatest Avengers Villains Of All Time

4. Kang

Kang the Conqueror has lived up to his name on more than one occasion over the years, and the time travelling villain just recently pushed The Avengers to the very edge when he destroyed the Earth in a bid to gain the power of one of the near unstoppable Celestials. Years before destroying the planet, Kang even managed to finally conquer it in the now classic "Kang Dynasty" storyline by Kurt Busiek. However, one of his most interesting ties to The Avengers stems from the fact that he was one for a while. Being a time traveller means there are many different versions of Kang, and his teenage self actually became Iron Lad and led the Young Avengers. That was until he was forced to tragically return to his own era to become Kang the Conquerer in order to preserve the timeline and save his teammates.
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