15 Greatest Justice League Villains Of All Time

3. The Crime Syndicate

Hailing from the ruined remains of Earth-3, The Crime Synidcate remains one of the greatest threats the Justice League has ever faced. While there have been a number of different versions of this team over the years, the latest iteration is by far the most interesting and deadly, and these doppelgängers pushed the heroes we all know and love to the very edge when they arrived on Earth-1 and actually took over!

Made up of twisted versions of the Justice League, Ultraman, Superwoman, Owlman, Power Ring, and the rest of The Crime Syndicate come from a world of pure evil, so these are villains with absolutely no redeeming qualities whatsoever. The latest issue of Justice League actually revealed that these two teams are going to have to work together to stop the Anti-Monitor, but there's no way this lot can ever be trusted.


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