15 Greatest Superman Villains Of All Time

4. General Zod

Similar to the version we saw in Man of Steel, the comic book iterations of General Zod typically escape captivity in the Phantom Zone with a squad of evil Kryptoniants at their side, making him a villain who has plagued Superman for decades. A dark reflection of Superman, Zod is determined to conquer Earth with the use of his abilities and despises the fact that Kal-El won't join him and instead strives to protect his newfound home. More powerful than Superman, General Zod is actually a significant enough threat that Lex Luthor once saved the Man of Steel's life in order to stop the villain from wiping out civilisation! On one occasion, Zod even managed to bribe Superman into joining him, but that alliance didn't last, especially after the hero got to see his foe's methods as a military leader - he's an expert strategist and fighter - up close and personal.
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