15 Lamest Superheroes Of All Time

2. Ant-Man

It's hard to understand how Ant-Man is a superhero at all. I mean, what kind of power is it to be able to shrink yourself? Sure, you might be able to get into a locked room, or find the loose change that's fallen under the sofa. But if you had a more useful superpower like super strength, for example, you could just smash through a wall or lift up a sofa with one arm, thus finding all of the loose change and maybe even the remote. And if you invented a substance that allowed you to change size, why would you go smaller?! Surely it's way more fun to turn yourself huge? It's pretty much guaranteed that you'd intimidate a heck of a lot of bad guys just by being enormous. Oh but wait, I'm forgetting about the helmet that allows you to control ants. Of course, that's the most awesome superpower going. Unless of course, you could just expose the ants to the substance and make them grow, rather than shrink yourself - an army of colossal ants sounds pretty bad-ass. Alternatively, why not invent a helmet that controls animals that already kick ass anyway - you know, tigers, bears, lions, wolves etc - there are infinitely better ways to harness Ant-Man's powers but because he's so lame, he just can't see them.

Simon Spowart hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.