15 Lamest Superheroes Of All Time

10. The Red Bee

By day, Rick Raleigh fights crime as Assistant District Attorney of Superior City, and also by day, masquerades as The Red Bee - a feared crimefighter armed with stripey tights and a trained bumble bee. That's right folks, this guy had an actual bee as a sidekick. He was called Michael and lived in a special compartment inside Raleigh's belt, ready to be unleashed when the world needed him the most. Since most bees only live for a few weeks, The Red Bee must have been a pretty busy guy, spending most of his time training up new bees to accompany him in the field. As well as this ridiculous notion, The Red Bee's costume left a lot to be desired: stripey red and yellow tights, a red vest and billowing sleeves that Jack Sparrow would've been proud of. There's a reason that Batman didn't fight with real bats, or Spider-Man with real spiders: because it's just not cool. However, it's rumoured that Muhammed Ali loved The Red Bee, and his famous 'float like a butterfly, sting like a bee' quote stemmed from reading the comics as a kid. Actually, that's just complete speculation.

Simon Spowart hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.