By day, Rick Raleigh fights crime as Assistant District Attorney of Superior City, and also by day, masquerades as The Red Bee - a feared crimefighter armed with stripey tights and a trained bumble bee. That's right folks, this guy had an actual bee as a sidekick. He was called Michael and lived in a special compartment inside Raleigh's belt, ready to be unleashed when the world needed him the most. Since most bees only live for a few weeks, The Red Bee must have been a pretty busy guy, spending most of his time training up new bees to accompany him in the field. As well as this ridiculous notion, The Red Bee's costume left a lot to be desired: stripey red and yellow tights, a red vest and billowing sleeves that Jack Sparrow would've been proud of. There's a reason that Batman didn't fight with real bats, or Spider-Man with real spiders: because it's just not cool. However, it's rumoured that Muhammed Ali loved The Red Bee, and his famous 'float like a butterfly, sting like a bee' quote stemmed from reading the comics as a kid. Actually, that's just complete speculation.