15 Little Known Facts About The Green Lantern Corps

2. The Curious Case Of Alan Scott

Black Canary Green Lantern
DC Comics/Alex Ross

The first human Green Lantern of the Modern Era (relatively speaking), Alan Scott has been a mainstay of DC since his introduction more than 80 years ago and has served on some of the universe's most recognizable super-teams.

What makes Scott different is that he is powered by the Starheart rather than a typical Power Ring. It was designed by the Guardians of the Universe for the purpose of removing all forms of magic from the universe eons ago.

Despite the Starheart collecting many mystical energies, the Guardians realized that their mission was futile and abandoned the powerful artefact till Alan found it in the 1940s. While he has many of the standard Green Lantern abilities, his weakness is rather odd: wood.

This was an embarassing shortcoming for the hero till it was revealed that he could not affect wooden materials due to his power source's supernatural connection to the substance.


David Ng'ethe hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.