15 Little Known Facts About The Green Lantern Corps

12. The Corps Has More To It Than Just Green Lanterns

Black Canary Green Lantern
DC Comics

In addition to Green Lanterns, the Corps is supported by the Alpha Lanterns, the secretive Corpse and the Honor Guard.

The inclusion of these members was due to the fact that normal Lanterns needed support in their duties as it became clear that their immense might was not enough to handle a nigh-infinite universe.

The Alpha Lanterns serve as the Corps' internal affairs division and they ensure that no Corps member breaks the organization's rules.

The Honor Guard are special in that they are not limited to one sector, and the Corpse act as the organisation's black ops division and conduct activities considered to be unsavoury for standard Green Lanterns.


David Ng'ethe hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.