15 Most Inappropriate Batman Comics Storylines Of All Time

13. Batman's Baby, Born Of A Roofie

nightwing annual batgirl robin awkward
DC Comics

For many years, the events of Batman: Son Of The Demon were considered to have occurred outside of continuity. It was difficult for fans and creators alike to reconcile the stoic, lonely Dark Knight as somebody who had taken his shirt of (but left his utility belt on) to get freaky with supervillain Talia Al Ghul, impregnating her in the process.

Wait, what? Yes, Batman had a baby. But nobody was particularly enamoured with writer Mike W. Barr and artist Jerry Bingham's novel development, and so Damian Wayne wasn't mentioned again until Grant Morrison's Batman run, a good two decades later. Not only is Bruce Wayne having a kid weird, but with a bad guy? On panel? That's... odd.

Even more so when, in an attempt to explain why the Caped Crusader macked on Talia besides the truism that “evil chicks are hot”, somebody retconned the story so that the younger Al Ghul had effectively roofied Batman into sleeping with her. 

So Son Of The Demon is the story where the Dark Knight fell foul of date rape. Urk.

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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/