15 Most Inappropriate Batman Storylines Of All Time
11. The Bat-Witch Must Burn!
How about some good, clean family fun from the Dark Knight? Okay, yeah, we can't offer you that. It doesn't come along often with Batman. You try and read the old stuff, it's full of the weird relationship between him and Robin. Read the really old stuff, and he keeps shooting everyone! Is there no era of Batman comics that's safe? Honestly, no, but for the most part the Silver Age is a safe space. It's the age where superheroes were mainly getting up to goofy rubbish, like swapping brains Freaky Friday-style and getting turned into giraffes and stuff. They were innocent and fun, totally without consequence or inappropriateness. Oh, except for basically every issue of Worlds Finest.
A team-up book where Batman and Superman got to hang out and solve mysteries and stop crimes together, that initial premise was quickly abandoned in favour of putting the superheroic pair in the most ridiculous situations the creative team could come up with, possibly using the dadaist cut up technique favoured by experimental authors like William Burroughs. One such story involved the two of them travelling back in time to the Revolutionary War, where Superman is promptly possesed by a demon and convinces the population of a Salem-esque town that Batman is a witch they must burn at the stake. Wait, you know this is something that actually happened and was totally horrific, right?