15 Most Inappropriate Batman Storylines Of All Time
12. Ten-Eyed Man
From the sublime to the ridiculous, and from the near-sighted to the overly-sighted, we come less to a storyline but to a character who was terrible and awful and incredibly inappropriate and who hasn't made any appearances recently, surprising no one. Philip Reardon was a soldier discharged after being smacked right between the eyes by a piece of shrapnel, who then took a job in a warehouse. Turns out that old Reardon luck was hard to shake, because then the warehouse was bombed too, and the chemical fire ended up blinding him properly. Oh and Batman turned up just too late to save Philip from his fate, which is cool, because Reardon returned in kind by not recognising the Caped Crusader and trying to fight him. Because he was blind. Um.
Don't worry, though! A brilliant and/or possibly insane doctor used a pioneering surgery to reconnected his optic nerves to his fingertips, enabling him to see through them. So yeah, he had eyes in his fingers. He had ten eyes. And with that he decided to become a supervillain, blaming Batman for what happened to him (seems harsh, but people have blamed Batman for less), and deciding to seek revenge on the Dark Knight. We're not sure how having eyes on his fingertips was supposed to help him take down one of the preeminent superheroes of his age, but whatevs. We're not here to criticise his methods. Just here to point out the slight insensitivity of the whole storyline and ridiculousness of Ten-Eyed Man as a credible threat to Batman.