15 Most Inappropriate Comics Storylines Of All Time‏

7. Sexy Aunt May Is Sexy

Sexy Aunt May

Mark Millar has presided over some controversial comic books in his time, from the increasingly violent Kick-Ass to Marvel's Civil War event, but one that didn't cause nearly as much upset as it should was Trouble. The only title to come out of Marvel's failed attempt to resurrect the romance comics that had been big in the fifties, Trouble was the story of two couples in the seventies who just happened to share the names of the parents and aunt and uncle of Peter Parker, aka Spider-Man: Richard, Mary, May and Ben.

The series did get into a bit of trouble with its photographic covers of two teen girls in bikinis who looked suspiciously underage (they weren't, it turned out), but the real controversy for fans was when the character of May got knocked up, but her friend Mary agreed to say the baby was hers. And that baby was called Peter.

So, Trouble implied that Aunt May was secretly Peter Parker's mum, and if that wasn't enough for fans also included sex scenes between her and Richard Parker, which only a very small and disturbed niche had ever asked for.

Trouble has never been collected in trade paperback form, so perhaps Marvel realised just how inappropriate this all was.

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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/