15 Most Inappropriate Comics Storylines Of All Time‏

4. Spider-Man's Toxic...Y'know

Spiderman Reigns

Spider-Man is a fun loving character who just happens to have terrible things happen to him. Those terrible things rarely manage to grind him down, though, because for every loved one who dies tragically he is reminded that his superhero work has saved the lives of countless others. That wasn't enough for Kaare Andrews, however, who decided to write and draw a Spidey spin on the Dark Knight Returns, where the wallcrawler was a depressed and broken retired hero living in a dystopian future New York. Who wouldn't want to see that?

The reason Peter Parker decided to hang up the Spider-Man mantle is probably one of the inappropriate plot twists we have ever come across. It was the death of his beloved Mary Jane that triggered it but, surprisingly, she did not lose her life to one of her husband's many superpowered arch enemies. It was from Peter himself, whose...well, let's just use the medical terms here.

Having been bitten by a radioactive spider, it turns out Peter's semen was irradiated, and Mary Jane's exposure to it had riddled her with an incurable cancer. Spider-Man's wife died because he had sex with her and it killed her. So...that's a thing.

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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/