15 Most Inappropriate Comics Storylines Of All Time‏

11. The !*$% Batman, Orphan Hater

!*$% batman
DC Comics

Frank Miller has written and drawn some of the most iconic comic books of all time, and specifically two groundbreaking Batman storylines: the dystopian future of the Dark Knight and the gritty origin tale, Year One. At some point, however, he seems to have been bashed on the head or been replaced by an insane robot doppelganger or something, because he totally went off the deep end.

He put together the insanely Islamophobic Holy Terror! graphic novel, but before that he wrote All-Star Batman And Robin, The Boy Wonder, one of the most bizarre comics DC has ever published. Usually Bruce Wayne is a compassionate man who is tough on crime, but in Miller's head he becomes a borderline psychopath who essentially kidnaps Robin immediately after his parents have died, then leaves him to hunt for food in the Batcave as "training". He makes out with Black Canary on a motorcycle. He refers to himself, most infamously, as "the !*$% Batman". Multiple times. And he made no bones about how the women characters should be depicted in the series, either, namely in their underwear focussing on either their chest or bums at all times.

This was all in an actual Batman comic people were expected to read.

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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/