15 Most Insanely Overpowered Superheroes In The Marvel Universe

13. Professor X

Hulk Smash
Marvel Comics

As far as X-Men comics go, Professor Xavier is basically God, and his power set is such that he could basically solve every major story event in seconds if the full range of his powers persisted throughout his appearances in the comics.

Earth is incredibly lucky that he didn't follow Magneto's lead and seek mutant superiority, because he has the power to literally blink half of humanity out of existence, kill-switching their brains with the help of Cerebro. And while that amplification device is sort of a cheat, Xavier is still immeasurably powerful without its use.

He has powers that super-villains would kill for, incapacitating enemies, destroying their brains, restricting their powers and commandeering minds as minions (not that he does it much). And the most unfair part of it is it's mostly impossible to defend against his powers, since no-one ever thinks to try and copy Magneto's helmet trick on a larger scale...

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