15 Most Insanely Overpowered Superheroes In The Marvel Universe

12. Odin

Hulk Smash
Marvel Comics

The line between Gods and superheroes has always been a blurry issue in Marvel comics, particularly when it comes to Asgard and its residents. They are literally Gods, and as such their powers are on a scale imaginable even to the most powerful of Earth's mightiest heroes - even if they're often handicapped when the two worlds collide so as not to make the Earthlings look bad.

Odin is undoubtedly one of the most over-powered of all of the Asgardians, on account of his being the most powerful of all of their number. His super strength, super speed, super intellect and general Godliness might even be easy to accept, but the fact is, Odin comes with a "Go Up To 11" switch that is both unfair and ludicrous. That amplifying filter is courtesy of his vague Odinforce, the rules of which have been established so vaguely that he could get away with anything and call it a facet of his personal power source.

That's the equivalent of another hero just suddenly remembering that he can be omnipotent and immortal and just smashing the established rules and limits into the floor. And if it weren't for the fact that he has an almost hilariously silly need to go for naps like a toddler to recharge his energy, he would be an impossible foe.

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Marvel Hulk
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