15 Most Powerful DC Weapons RANKED

7. The Justice Buster

Metron Mobius Chair DC Comics
DC Comics

Despite being one of the most powerful men in the DC universe, Batman has always suffered from the unforgivable drawback of being a mere mortal, something in which he takes great pride but also does his level best to overcome. To that end, he has employed a number of suits of armor or mech suits over the years to try and elevate himself to superhuman status. But the piece de resistance of his armory is the Justice Buster.

Conceived as a back-up plan to a back-up plan, Batman made the Justice Buster in case he ever had to go one-on-one with an the entire Justice League. A massive suit of mechanized armor, the Buster is armed to the teeth with countermeasures for just about every supernatural element native to the DC universe. From inside the suit, Batman has access to an onboard computer fast enough to track the Flash, is protected by plasma shields, can project super-absorbent foam for non-lethal takedowns, and can shoot a non-deadly nerve toxin to paralyze enemies.

The Justice Buster also comes complete with an electromagnetic nerve tree that can disconnect electronic and organic components and a mystical artifact that can even fool Wonder Woman's Lasso of Truth. But the best feature of the Justice Buster is its Red Giant Gauntlets. Fitted with miniature red suns, the Buster's fisticuffs are strong enough to go toe-to-toe with Superman.


A writer, blogger, comedian, and actor in New York City, Mason relishes any opportunity to discuss his favorite topics. He has many strong opinions on all facets of media and pop culture.