20 Best Comics Moments In 2013

3. The Death Of Damian Wayne (Batman Incorporated #8)

Damian Wayne Death Damian Wayne's death in Batman Incorporated #8 was certainly very emotional, though it loses out on an even higher spot for a couple of reasons... First, back in Batman Incorporated #1, Damian's life was left hanging in the balance in a cliffhanger scene and, although he didn't actually end up dying in that instance, the impact of his actual death in this issue was somewhat diluted by the fact that some people already thought he'd died at the start of this run. Second, his death didn't quite have that iconic edge that Jason Todd's did when the Joker beat him to near death with a crowbar and blew him up (in 1988's Batman #427 - A Death In the Family Part 2). In the comic, Damian is fighting against hordes of Leviathan henchmen in the lobby of Wayne Tower when Nightwing comes to rescue him. Whilst temporarily covered, the two briefly reminisce about their time together as Batman and Robin before resuming the defence. When the Heretic - Damian's adult mutant clone - arrives and knocks Nightwing out, Damian bravely fights him. However, the Heretic eventually gains the upper hand in a brutal battle, with arrows sprinkling the air with bursts of blood and the youngster being smashed through walls and glass cases with severity and immense brute force, and eventually impales Damian through the chest - his sword piercing Damian's heart and resulting in Damian dying almost instantly. Minutes after Damian's death, Batman arrives and sees Damian's dead body in a truly emotional scene. Utterly distraught and angered, he and a revived Nightwing battle the Heretic, but are eventually forced to retreat with Damian's body. After holding a private funeral for the fallen Boy Wonder, Bruce vows to avenge his son's death.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.