20 Comic Characters That Are Total Rip-Offs‏

11. Nova Corps

Nova corps
Marvel Comics

An intergalactic space force who really dropped the ball with that whole Galactus thing, the Nova Corps patrol the cosmos and tackle any space-faring baddie who threatens the safety of their jurisdiction. Gaining their powers of superhuman speed, strength and flight (along with being able to breathe in the vacuum of space) from the mysterious Nova Force, members of the Corps have some pretty snazzy outfits and regularly recruit worthy humans into their ranks.

Totally a rip-off of: Green Lantern Corps

Green Lantern Corps Alan Scott

You could easily replace the word "Nova" with the words "Green Lantern" in that above paragraph and get the same result. The difference, of course, being that the Green Lantern Corps have been around since 1959, compared to that tin-helmet Nova lot who didn't show up until the late seventies. The Green Lanterns are also space cops who get their power from an enigmatic force and are clad in colourful uniforms, but it's the "human recruits" bit that really takes the biscuit.

The first issue of Nova sees Richard Rider who was selected to join up when a dying member of the Corps crash lands on Earth and the youngster happens to come across him, inheriting the mantle and power of Nova Prime. Beat-for-beat, that's the origin story of the first modern Green Lantern, Hal Jordan. Pretty ballsy swipe, that.

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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/