20 Mind-Blowing Facts Didn't Know About Batman

6. Andy Warhol's Batman

Batman Fights Dracula What was the first Batman movie? If you thought of either Tim Burton's 1990 effort or the 1966 version starring Adam West, you're wrong on both counts. The first time that the iconic DC Comics character came to the big screen was in fact in 1964's Batman Dracula, a movie which was directed and produced by Andy Warhol of all people. The comic book publisher's had no official involvement, so this was in some ways one of the first examples of a fan-film. It starred longtime Warhol collaborator, Gregory Battcock, but any existing prints of this movie are now sadly believed to be lost. Some clips and photos remain though.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.