20 Mind-Blowing Facts You Never Knew About Green Lantern

18. Jack Black Almost Played Green Lantern (In A Comedy)

Go easy on the Green Lantern movie, because the alternative was even worse. Long before development started on the 2011 version, Robert Smigel started putting together a take on the character which would have been a full on comedy, transforming fearless test pilot Hal Jordan into a furniture store employee and all round loser and slob called Jud Plato. This Green Lantern would have used his ring to create an elf for his friend to have sex with and a condom to trap criminals in. Shockingly, it's something Warner Bros. moved fairly far along with before thinking better of it. To make matters worse, it would have starred Jack Black!

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.