20 Totally Badass Comic Book Panels‏

2. Wonder Woman Conquers Batman

She's been around for just as long as them and will play a big part in their upcoming movie (whilst looking mighty powerful, we would like to add), but in comparison to Superman and Batman, Wonder Woman is often overlooked. Which she shouldn't be, because she's an incredibly interesting and complex character in her own right, and she could totally whup both of the other major players in the DC Universe. Bruce Wayne's pretty smart and Clark Kent's got the alien heritage thang, but Diana Prince has the actual powers of Greek gods flowing in her blood. She's mythically badass. The best runs on her solo title have tapped into this heritage, with Brian Azzarello and Cliff Chiang's run recently retconning her origin so that Zeus is her dad, and George Perez's tenure on the book saw the writer/artist drawing heavily on that mythology. One of the more recent storylines that revelled in the history whilst cementing Diana's place as one of the Trinity of DC was Wonder Woman: The Hiketeia, a graphic novel by Greg Rucka and JG Jones that included this amazing image. That's Wonder Woman literally asserting her dominance over one of the biggest superheroes in history. Effortlessly. And warning him not to get up. Batman! Warning Batman! Whilst standing on his neck! It's all to do with Diana getting involved with an ancient ritual where she's duty-bound to protect a young woman, no matter the cost. Then the Dark Knight turns up to apprehend the girl, who killed a bunch of people (who, really, kinda deserved it). Obviously he doesn't get any further than the front door of the woman's house, because Wonder Woman is there. And she's standing on his neck. And that's totally badass. Debatedly more so than Ben Affleck hitting Henry Cavill whilst wearing a big metal suit but, y'know, each to their own.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/