20 Worst Ever Comic Book Sidekicks

1. Etta Candy (Wonder Woman)

First Appearance: Sensation Comics #2 (February 1942) Here she is. Our number one gal. So what makes Etta Candy the worst ever comic book sidekick? Candy played second fiddle to the single most powerful female character in comics, but any advances Wonder Woman made for feminism were set back decades by this fat screaming cliche. When the two first met, Candy was sickly thin and malnourished, so Wonder Woman was pretty surprised when Candy transformed from skinny to obese just a short time later. What was her secret? Sweets. Apparently sweets made Candy better. Way to ruin the health of a generation DC! The obsession with sweets didn't stop there though. Now, if I was fighting the Nazis with Wonder Woman, I'd probably think about packing some serious fire power, but what does Etta Candy bring? A box of candy. The only 'superpower' Etta had was the ability to run at people and knock them over with her fat, often shouting her catchphrase "Woo! Woo!" as she charged forward. To be fair to Candy though, her catchphrase could have been misinterpreted somewhat. "Woo! Woo!" sounds more like out of breath puffs to me. It can't be easy keeping up with an Amazonian princess. What were the Wonder Woman writers thinking? Let's give women someone strong and independent to identify with, but only if they're thin and beautiful? Etta Candy is a terrible role model in every way and her portrayal as a fat food lover is horrendously misogynistic and outdated. More importantly though, why would Wonder Woman need a non-powered obese woman around anyway? To make herself look good? Damn, that Wonder Woman's a bitch.

David is a primary school teacher who tries his best to turn every math lesson into a discussion on the latest Pixar film. Passions include superheroes, zombies and Studio Ghibli. In between going to the cinema, moving to South Korea and eating his body weight in KFC, David writes for a number of movie sites, http://becarefulyourhand.blogspot.co.uk/