23 Problems Only Comic Book Readers Will Understand

18. Confusion Over What Is Canon

Remembering what is actually canon regarding your favourite characters is often quite tasking ("canon" being a term to describe the official, original body of work in which a character appeared, which is used to differentiate from things like fan fiction and alternate timelines/what ifs). This issue is often brought up in debates between comic book readers about which of their favourite characters would win in a fight. For example, someone debating Captain Marvel fighting Superman might say "Captain America moved just as fast as the Flash in the Justice series and is therefore too fast for Superman" only to find out that Justice wasn't canon to DC's main continuity, and therefore the speed feat is non-usable in a debate. Annoying.

17. Art Changes

From one issue to another, from one page to another - and indeed, in some extreme cases, from one panel to another - the art style of our favourite characters can change inexplicably. It's very disconcerting to see the appearance - in terms of costume - of your favourite characters altering from year to year, month to month and week to week, but it's understandable due to the need to keep with the times and make them more contemporary. However, the fact that a character's face often changes several times in the same issue - usually due to the fact that several different artists have contributed to it - is very poor form.

16. Generally Poor Art

Comic books and graphic novels are the only source where narrative and plot can be completely and utterly destroyed, no matter how good they are, by terribly distracting poor artwork. It is the cover that draws a read to a comic initially, so if that is poorly drawn, the comic is generally a no-go zone. But, what's worse is when a cover is well drawn, draws you in and the art inside is terrible. Rob Liefeld is one of the worst culprits - see his terribly out-of-proportion Captain America in the above picture for proof. It's more annoying in the major companies - because we know they have a plethora of fantastic artists at their disposal - but bad art is a general problem and a major annoyance regardless of where it comes from.
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The Simpsons
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.