23 Problems Only Comic Book Readers Will Understand

6. Not Being Able To Dress Like Your Favourite Character EVERY DAY

When the biggest comic book fans head to comic conventions, they dress up as their favourite characters. And the best thing about it? They do so without feeling ridiculous. Indeed, they suddenly become the centre of attention for all the right reasons, with people wanting photographs taken with them and others complimenting them on their awesome costumes. Of course, do this in every day life and you'll probably get mugged. Bummer.

5. Poor Movie Depictions

Non-comic book fans can watch the epic Hollywood blockbuster movies based on comic books with complete neutrality. If only it were that simple for comic book readers. With a pre-conception of what to expect in such movies, any changes to the source material will likely be looked upon with scorn and disgust. For example, we're sure that lots of people liked Topher Grace's Venom, Julian McMahon's Doctor Doom and Vinnie Jones' Juggernaut - assuming they had absolutely no idea who the characters were actually based on. But those who did know absolutely hated them.

4. Inconsistent Geography

It might seem like a minor issue, but it's really not. Comic book locations seem to change on a regular basis due to the writers and artists not referring to previously established maps. It can be as trivial as Batman entering Wayne Manor and the rooms being laid out differently or as huge as entire buildings changing or disappearing in Gotham City, but it's all equally as irritating. It's about time that, across all comics, the geography of the key locations was firmly established and understood across the board as far as writers and artists are concerned, so that these mistakes are no longer made.
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The Simpsons
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.