24 Strangest Celebrity Cameos In Comic Book History


Though Howard the Duck's name has been sullied by the horrible movie adaptation of the same name, the comics themselves were very good, deftly blending humour and drama together into several unique stories. About halfway into the 27-issue run, Howard - plagued by bad dreams - goes on an trip to Cleveland in an attempt to get rid of them. While on the bus, he meets a girl named Winda Wester, who tells Howard that her parents want her to get an unnecessary exorcism in Cleveland. Though they become friends, things turn for the worst when one of Howard's enemies called The Kidney Lady comes on the bus, resulting in a fight between the two that crashes the bus and sends both Howard and Winda to jail. The jail doctor agrees to perform an exorcism on Winda to prove her health, but to everyone's surprise KISS forms out of her thoughts during the procedure. It turns out that Winda has latent psychic abilities, including the ability to project illusions. Regardless, this small cameo led to the band getting their own series.

1. Geraldo Rivera

Even though it ran for four whole seasons, Count Duckula can't be said to be one of the more popular cartoons of the modern age of animation. Understandable, given the crazy premise and other famed cartoons running at the time. Still, it was successful enough to warrant its own comic book series, and featured a notable guest-star in the form of conservative political commentator, Geraldo Rivera. The story entailed Rivera deciding to film a TV show about the Count's life. Unfortunately, the episode is crashed by Duckula's archenemy Dr. Von Goosewing. In the ensuing fight that follows, the entire TV production gets destroyed and ends with Goosewing victorious. The crew and Duckula are all forced to flee from Duckula's castle back to Transylvania. Regardless of Rivera's appearance, the series was cancelled after 15 issues.
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Red Stewart is big fan of the entertainment industry, with insights into film, television, and video games for starters. Despite growing up in the 21st century's era of modernization, he prefers many retro era ideas over the current trends found in many of today's media. Personally he's an introvert who loves reading as much as gaming.