5 Actors You Didn't Know Voiced Marvel Characters
4. Keith David - Fantastic Four (1994)

Keith David is a legend. Childs in The Thing, Frank in They Live and King in Platoon are just just a handful of his incredible roles. Suffice to say to sum up his career in so short a list is to do him something of a disservice.
He’s also an accomplished voice actor. Gamers will know him as the Arbiter from the Halo series. He even voiced Spawn in the incredible HBO animated series.
But “who did this screen icon voice for Marvel?” I hear you cry. Well, only Black Panther!
That’s right, some 20 years before the immortal Chadwick Boseman brought T'Challa to the big screen David brought him to life in Fantastic Four: The Animated series. He only appeared in one episode "Prey of the Black Panther" but it gives him the incredible honour of being the first actor to ever play the Wakandan King!