5 Artists Who Know How To Draw Comic Book Girls!

1. Bruce Timm

harley Bruce Timm girls are simply delicious. Timm's cartoony approach to classic looks have been very much a part of our comic book lives since the Batman Animated Series took the crown as the greatest Batman adaptation ever. Poison Ivy, Catwoman, Batgirl and of course Harley Quinn all wove their ways into our hearts because Timm's work still manages to remain sexy, even in a kid's TV show. Bruce Timm girls are perky, curvy, pouty and often times naughty. We love his good girls but adore his bad girls and its because he gives them a that classic attitude that there just isn't enough of nowadays. Whether it's animation or comic work, Timm's work draws you in with its retro good looks, with fantasy girls that feel totally at home in their odd costumes and crazy situations. Every line in his designs highlight what's great about the female form and you can't help but stare.

51mlA1T8ghL._SL500_AA300_Recommended Works: Well there's no better place to start than the Batman : Animated Series and of course the DC Animated projects that followed. Episodes like 'Girls Night Out' or Harley's 'Mad Love' are some great female led episodes to enjoy. Beyond that Timm's art book 'Naughty and Nice' is a collection of everything he does beautifully. Comic girls, horror girls, glamour girls and nudes, it's all within the pages of this great collection and a must have for anyone that loves his work.

And there we have it a short list of some of the best artists who excel at creating comic book women. Of course there are many more, I could have gone into people like Adam Hughes, who's work is astounding or Adam Warren who's work on Empowered, amongst other things always puts a cheeky smile on my face and of course there's J. Scott Campbell, who does wonderful things with comic book women. Okay, maybe I'll leave their works for a follow up article. In the meantime please share any artists you love for their work with girls in comic books below and recommendations of where to start. There's nothing quite as great as a comic book artist that can draw beauty better than they do the beast, so lets hear your thoughts on the best there is...

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