5 Best Batman Christmas Stories

4. Holiday Knights

Christmas Joker
Warner Bros.

Holiday Knights is the first episode of The New Batman Adventures and kicks the series off with 3 short Christmas stories. This episode is an adaptation of the Batman Animated Holiday Special comic that came out a little over a year before.

This episode comes on this list for its significance to Batman history as a whole. This is the first episode to follow in the wake of the hugely popular Batman: The Animated Series and showed that the quality of that show would continue. We also get the newly redesigned characters and the introduction of Tim Drake on the series.

Each story takes place on a different day towards the end of December. The first has Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy going on a shopping spree with a mind controlled Bruce Wayne's credit card. The second has Harvey Bullock undercover as a mall Santa looking to take out Clayface with the unexpected help of Batgirl. The final story has Batman and Robin trying to stop the Joker from killing a crowd during the Gotham ball drop on New Year's Eve.

The episode ends with a quiet moment between Batman and Commissioner Gordon. They meet for an annual coffee and toast to the New Year. As with most of the Batman animated episodes, this one still holds up.


Comic book store owner, podcaster, and cheese enthusiast