5 Image Comics Titles You Should Be Reading

3. Black Science

Blackscience01 Covera Even without the joys offered by what promises to be an expansive story, Black Science is a must-read for its art. Every single image on every page jumps out at the reader, conveying the immediacy of the things happening on the page. It's hard to sustain that level of intensity, but after two quickly shipped issues, it doesn't look like the creators of Black Science, Rick Remender and Matteo Scalera, have any plans of letting up. Black Science tells the story of Grant McKay, a former member of the Anarchistic Order of Scientists. He's discovered a way to punch through reality. The idea was to be able to go into other dimensions or worlds and harvest them for resources that are scarce in our own reality but are abundant in other realities. Sounds great, but of course it goes wrong. Someone tampers with the machine and now McKay and a small group, among them children, annoying administrators, and bona fide soldiers, are all jumping through various realities trying to find their way home. I love the very pulpy sci-fi concept. The book favors action, as evidenced by the first issue which operates almost totally as a breathtaking chase scene. It's being called a spiritual successor to Remender's Fear Agent, and that looks pretty accurate. It's got a troubled man who's maybe gone a little too far and he's in need of redemption. But it looks like it's a long, hard road filled with all kinds of crazy aliens and jumps through reality before he gets anything right. The book promises to be a roller-coaster thrill ride. Time to get on.
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Carl Javier hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.