5 Image Comics Titles You Should Be Reading

2. Sex Criminals

Sexcriminals1 Cover Sex Criminals is something that you might not be able to read in public. It's lewd and raunchy and unabashedly fun and funny when it talks about sex. And it talks about sex a lot. Matt Fraction said in the Word Balloon podcast that he wanted to make a sex comedy in the way that films like 40 Year Old Virgin are comedies about sex. He's delivering on the comedy with the help of co-creator and artist Chip Zdarsky, as they are coming up with some hilarious sequences that are incredibly fun. More than being fun, Sex Criminals has been intelligent and very sensitive in discussing the idea of sexual awakening. The comic has portrayed the awkwardness, the fear of what's happening, and the weirdness. And they've found a way to make it all entertaining and funny. Oh but we've only talked about the sex part, not the criminals. The main characters stop time when they have orgasms. Annie discovers this ability and she isn't exactly sure what to do with it. But then she finds a boy who can do exactly the same thing. So they decide to rob banks. Thus far, the comics haven't delved too much into the criminal aspect. It's been shown that there is a much bigger world waiting for the protagonists, and us. But the first few issues have been all about setting the stage and showing the relationship dynamics between our characters. This is one of the most fun books and something that I always look forward to.
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