5 Mutants That Have Never Been X-Men (But Should Sign Up)

Quicksilver aka Pietro Maximoff is currently a mutant without a home. Magneto has taken up residence with Cyclops, Scarlet Witch is a member of Captain America's Avengers Unity Squad and his family in the Inhumans have long abandoned him. He sounds lost and alone - perfect for the X-Men! Quicksilver is another mutant that I can't believe hasn't been a part of one of the main X-teams. He has mostly both featured in the past as a member of the Avengers, aside from the occasional foray into the X-universe to battle against his father, Magneto. His mutant heritage alone should be enough to earn his place on any team and he has a unique power that not many people in the Marvel Universe have or can use as effectively. Quicksilver's mutant ability is super speed. This can work in a variety of different manners with the obvious main ability being his power to move at incredible speeds. It is also said that Pietro's mutant power affects the way his body functions (no puns please) and that his heart beats faster and he recognises time differently to others, thus contributing to his often misunderstood arrogance and impatience. Being the son of the Master of Magnetism has also contributed to Quicksilver's personality and although he has redeemed himself, he can occasionally slip back in and commit acts that could have him labelled as a villain (See: House of M, Son of M). The thing with Pietro is that he could fit well into both of the main X-teams at the moment. His experience with the Avengers Academy as a teacher would make him an ideal candidate to help Wolverine with his Institute. Having Quicksilver would strengthen the ties that the team has with the Avengers through Wolverine and Captain America and there is no doubt that Quicksilver would be very useful in battle (i've often thought super-speed is underrated in battle, how do you stop someone that you can't hit, but they can hit you hundreds of times a minute?). Pietro is an obvious choice to be one of the senior teachers and second in command to only Wolverine and Storm. He has grown up opposing the X-School and for him to come full circle and accept his fate as a teacher of mutants and a guide to stop others becoming like him would be a fitting tribute and would allow him to stop thinking and comparing himself to Magneto. Of course, Quicksilver could also go the other way and join Cyclops and his team at Weapon X and help to protect mutantkind as they go through their rebirth. Pietro has a bit of experience when it comes to protecting to his own kind as he went to Genosha to keep an eye on Magneto during the time that he was sovereign of the state. His super speed would very useful in getting mutants out of dangerous situations and he would well respected by Cyclops. There is also the elephant in the room, his dad, the mutant master of magnetism, Magneto. There are multiple options for story writers such as exploring the conflict between the two as argue who is right in the continuing struggle to protect mutantkind, Pietro insisting that Magneto not use the school as an opportunity to train children in the same way he trained him and Wanda for the Brotherhood and Magneto desperately trying to prove that he has changed. You can also go the reverse way and have Magneto reach out and try and be a mentor to Quicksilver, schooling him on the lessons that he has learned from Charles Xavier and Scott Summers. Amongst other potential ideas is that Pietro could the one who acts more villain than hero, adopting his fathers old rhetoric as he slowly burns each bridge. Pietro is a fascinating character as he has straddled most of the worlds in the Marvel Universe without really getting the credit for it. I believe that there is a lot that a writer can do with Quicksilver and a step towards joining the X-men would be a great step in getting him back to the forefront of characters and exploring some great new potential avenues for him and his family. Have I missed someone out? Is there a mutant that you like that hasn't been a member of the X-Men and you feel that they should be? Please leave your suggestions in the comments sections for discussion. I'm always happy to hear from people with their suggestions.
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I am a long time reader of comics, player of video games, watcher of movies and listener of movies. I also follow WWE in the hope that I am one day rewarded. Currently pulling All-New X-Men, Gambit, Uncanny X-Men, X-Men, Batman, Justice League (Trinity War) and Superman Unchained. I buy a lot of New 52, Marvel Now and Image Graphic Novels as well.