5 Reasons You NEED To Read Image Comics' Black Science

3. The Artwork

Black Science Rick Remender
Image Comics

Black Science is one of the most colourful and imaginative pieces of visual storytelling you are ever likely to read, all courtesy of the fine artistic skills of Matteo Scalera and the vibrant colouring of Dean White (who was later replaced by Moreno Dinsio).

The character design alone is remarkable. Our Black Science heroes and heroines aren't photogenic poster-people, but instead gritty, realistic looking humans who are all the more lovable for it.

But let's give another nod to the captivating, distinct and thoroughly outlandish creatures, societies and architecture conceived across each new dimension. They're purely fantastical but an essential driving force of the book itself, and a blatant display of the harmonious relationship between writer and artist.

You may have read ‘parallel universe’ comics before, but none like this one. Black Science explodes with colour, detail and jaw-dropping grittiness with every fresh page.


Writer, proud father and also chimp. Plus I talk music at Everythingisnoise.net