5 Silly Times Superman And Batman Swapped Identities

2. Superman And Batman Trade Costumes For A Date

Superman Batman besties
DC Comics

Ridiculously silly, and one of the funnest costume swaps of comic book history. Lois Lane, Catwoman, Batman and Superman decide to go on a double date at the fair in civilian attire. It turns out the fair is having a superhero theme. Lois suggests they should all just trade costumes so they can get in. Ever grim Batman simply declares: no. Superman tries to politely explain why this might not be the best idea ever.

You might be thinking: Lois doesn’t have a costume. You’re right. She and Catwoman still switch outfits and all it takes is a bit of flirting for Catwoman to get in without a costume. Maybe they all should have tried that. Instead, we get a scene of Batman and Superman changing clothes in the bathroom.

The thing is, Batman and Superman are both dark-haired, muscular men of a similar height and build. Batman has a deeper scowl and scars and Superman has fancier hair, but they don’t really look that different in each other’s costumes.

Perhaps to counteract this, Clark puts on his glasses (that he wears solely for disguise) over the bat cowl. The rest of the comic is just them hanging at the fair on a fun double date, dressed as each other, and bonding over some surprisingly deep family stuff.


West loves pop culture, movies, comics and TV-shows just as much as you do. Probably. Since you're reading this. Also, she has a cat. He's pretty awesome.