5 Things You Didn't Know About The Wolverine

2. The Healing Factor Has Been Altered...But He Can Still Die

The Wolverine Hugh Jackman When he was first introduced, Logan's healing powers were not as extensive as they are now. They were introduced so Wolverine could simply have the ability to heal minor wounds quicker than most but writers have steadily increased this ability over the years. After several years, Wolverine's healing factor was depicted as healing severe wounds within a matter of days or hours. Today, these powers are nearly limitless; Wolverine's healing factor are to the point that he can fully regenerate nearly any damage within seconds. The most extreme example of this is his survival after being caught near the centre of an atomic explosion and the total regeneration of his soft body tissue, within a matter of minutes. The Wolverine movie depicts this very event. Keep in mind that a similar event would kill Superman! An explanation was given in recent years to account for these variations, most notable in the Astonishing X-Men series. This states that Wolverine is an "adaptive self-healer." In other words, after undergoing numerous traumatic injuries his healing factor has evolved to withstand more extreme damage. His healing factor also dramatically slows his aging process, allowing him to live beyond the normal lifespan of a human. Wolverine can actually be killed! According to the comics, it has been suggested that Wolverine can be killed by drowning. But the Xavier Protocols (a series of profiles created by Xavier that lists the strengths and weaknesses of the X-Men) outline that the only way to truly kill Wolverine is to decapitate him and then keep his head far away from his body. So, is he a Highlander?

Roman Historian, computer nerd, Freelance Journalist, Podcaster, Star Wars Fanboy, and a Sci-fi/Horror über fan with a soft spot for awesomely terrible films. Host of the weekly Wrestleview International Desk radio show on WViDesk.com. Feel free to follow me on Twitter @DarraghWV.