5 Vampiric Marvel Comics Characters

4. Selene

Morbius The Living Vampire
Marvel Comics

Selene is an incredibly old mutant, so old that she was active as far back as the Hyborian age, before most recorded civilization began and has also been practicing sorcery for the length of her existence. Her mutant abilities are what make her vampiric as she is able to sustain her own life and increase her overall lifespan by psionically draining the life force of other humans.

Coupling her powers with ritualistic means, she could theoretically absorb so many beings at once that she would ascend to Godhood. She first attempted this in ancient Rome but failed due to the incompetence of her servant, Eliphas who she turned into a vampire-like creature for his failure.

Her power and influence, accumulated over centuries, drew her to the Hellfire Club where she would become a powerful nemesis for the X-Men. One of her most recent schemes involved reviving the dead mutants of the Genocian genocide using a techno-organic virus so that she could absorb their essence to finally become a God.


Gary has been reading Marvel Comics since he was 6 years old. Rather than retain knowledge on things such as Maths or Science - he chose to become a sponge for most things Marvel. He has a longstanding grudge against Iron Man he has harbored since Civil War(2006).