5 Ways Flash War Changed The DCU Forever

3. No More Time Travel

The Flash Wally West DC Rebirth
DC Comics

Probably one of the biggest changes to DC's status quo is the idea that the speed force has been separated from the space time continuum. This means the speed force can no longer be used to traverse time, not even when using the cosmic treadmill, an object used to enhance a speedsters ability to time travel.

This serves as a big monkey wrench, as The Flash and others often use the speed force to try and right mistakes of the past - as seen in the popular Flashpoint story. Taking away this prime ability, even for a short while, can prove disastrous. Now every action, or inaction is made permanent, and unchangeable in the time stream. What was once malleable is now rigid, with each moment presenting its own unique circumstance for the Flash to react to.

Being cut off from the time stream has also led to Commander Cold (Captain Cold of the 25th century) being displaced in the current timeline. With no answers in sight, Cold hopes to investigate the phenomenon and return back to his team, The Renegades.

With no more time-travel or second chances, it's up to the Flash and his family to make every moment count moving forward.


I am a veteran of the U.S. Army, comic book fanatic and part-time super hero. Born and raised in Brooklyn, NY.