5 Ways Flash War Changed The DCU Forever

2. Unforeseen Forces

The Flash Wally West DC Rebirth
DC Comics

The Speed Force is described as an extra-dimensional energy source in DC's Universe that lets speedsters travel at otherwise impossible speeds. It granted all speedsters their powers, including their rapid healing.

The mysterious force has dominated the Flash narrative since its inception and was thought to be unique, as it was the only force any character was able to tap into. That all changed when Wally West broke the Force Barrier.

The destruction of the Force Barrier allows for other unknown forces to finally seep through. We are shown glimpses the Sage force, which seems to be based on telepathy and telekinesis and uses the mind as a weapon. The other force revealed is the strength force, which uses solid rock to increase the might of it user.

With just two of the hidden forces revealed, this serves as complete game-changer especially when you consider the effects just one force has had on the DC Universe over the years. Now that the Sage and Strength forces are loose, the future promises the birth of more heroes and villains, just as the Speed force has created in the past. Here’s hoping our heroes are up to the new challenges they are sure to "run" into.


I am a veteran of the U.S. Army, comic book fanatic and part-time super hero. Born and raised in Brooklyn, NY.