5 Ways To Make Wolverine Great Again

4. Put Him Through The Grinder


Right then folks, hands up who wants to see Wolverine go into a berserker rage and tear stuff up on the scale of the Weapon X fallout again? Hands up who missed the Wolverine of 80s and 90s who used to get so angry he could literally flip out and rack up a body count? Ah yes, a good show of hands there, I see. Of course we want to see Wolverine in this mode again. Whoever has caused Logan€™s life to fall apart has to pay and ideally they€™ll do the paying out with the armies of henchmen they throw at Wolverine to slice and dice through to get to them. Now I love a restrained Wolverine. One that holds back and tries to be a better man and all that but it feels like it€™s been too long now. It€™s time to throw Wolverine at the masses and tear them up. I'm sure Marvel are avoiding this sort of stuff because it€™s not exactly kid friendly like they want their popular hero to be but we didn't fall in love with Wolverine just for his mentoring of young X-Men and Hugh Jackman in a wife beater vest now did we? Wolverine, at his best came out of chaos and chaos is where we need to see him again. Seeing Wolverine carnage as he heads towards the one that€™s been toying with him sounds like just what the doctor ordered and whoever it was that pushed Wolverine's buttons has one last surprise for the end of Wolverine€™s rebirth and that€™s stage 5.
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