5 Ways To Make Wolverine Great Again

5. Bring Him Back


So after all this we know Wolverine is coming back and in a big bad way of course. So let€™s give him a reason to do it. I'd say after a good year of his own stories, Logan would be ready to return to Westchester. If the bad guy who€™s messed with Wolverine€™s life reveals he has further plans for the rest of Wolverine€™s friends in the X-Men, it gives Logan a reason to come back. I've always loved moments that depict the X-Men in turmoil or on the brink of defeat and then Wolverine appears over a hilltop (ideally a snow covered one) to throw his claws into helping them. Having Wolverine coming back in this way would make him the reluctant hero again, He doesn't want to face his past failures but he doesn't want to see more of friends die again either. The hero in him will force his (clawed) hand and we have a Wolverine that€™s back in the world of X-Men but still the outsider with X-members trying to break through his personal issues and get him back as a full time member of the team. Think back to 90s X-Men. Wolverine was a huge deal in the team but he didn't even live in the house. His interactions with the team members were all different, either loving or strained. He was 100% part of the team but he wasn't the focus. He wasn't the driving force. He was the still very much a highlight but he wasn't the star or the central focus of everything the team went through, like he can sometimes feel like now-a-days. He was part of the team, albeit on his own terms. He was interesting. He was the wild card. He did the things you knew no other X-member would ever do to get the job done. He was the X-Factor so to speak. Anyway, Wolverine's return should be an epic crossover that brings the core X-Men back together to fight side by side. I'm talking Jean (see how quickly I've accepted her sort of return), Beast, Iceman, Angel, Gambit, Rogue, Storm, Kitty, y'know the classic faces. X-Men titles have also been suffering from not feeling quite right (that's a whole different article to write) and Wolverine's return could very well be the spark to kick that off into a new direction as well. For me, in modern Marvel comics, Wolverine has been is a mish mash of half measures. Never quite the character he could be in any of the elements we fell in love with him for. It€™s time to bring him back. It€™s time for Marvel to have a consistent approach to one of their lead characters, rather than making him appeal to everyone all at the same time. I hope you've liked the ideas I've set out to make our clawed hero great again. I know I've been thinking about this sort of stuff for a while with Wolvy and it was good to vent it here. Please feel free to add any of your own ideas below, you never know, maybe Marvel might hear what we want and make Wolverine great again.
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