5 Women Who Should Have Never Dated Daredevil

1. Milla Donovan

karen page daredevil
Marvel Comics

Milla Donovan holds the title of the only woman to get Matt Murdock to take the vows of matrimony. They met when Daredevil rescued Milla, who is also blind, from being run over by a truck. Daredevil's identity is public knowledge at this time and Milla pursues a relationship with Matt. Their relationship suffers various traumas from many villainous encounters but they are eventually married. However, Milla soon tries to annul the marriage when she found out that the marriage may have been partly due to the grief and nervous breakdown that Matt Murdock suffered following the murder of Karen Page. Their lives do continue to intertwine and they are kept apart by various dangers but Milla is shown to still care about Matt when she makes an appearance at the funeral for the seemingly dead Foggy Nelson and also when she visits Matt during his short time in prison.

Like most of the relationships between women and Daredevil, this one had not reached its tragic peak however. Following another daring Daredevil rescue where Milla was held hostage by the Gladiator, she visits the law office of Nelson and Murdock in hopes of speaking to Matt. When she is being escorted home by Foggy, Milla seemingly tries to shove another former love of Matt Murdock's in front of an oncoming train. This results in the death of an innocent old man and Milla is devastated. It is later revealed that she was under the influence of a fear toxin, created by a Daredevil villain known as Mr. Fear. However, this revelation does not save her from the toxin's effects or the guilt from her actions. Milla was put under house arrest followed by being institutionalized in a mental hospital.

At this time, Matt and Milla were still technically married and her parents, fearing for her well-being, wanted full custody of their daughter. This is made even worse when evidence of Matt's affair with private investigator, Dakota North, is produced by another enemy of Daredevil. Finally, Matt willingly signs the divorce papers and gives the family what they want hoping that this will mean Milla is no longer endangered by her association with him. Milla Donovan did survive her relationship with Matt Murdock but she really never should have dated Daredevil.

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