50 Most Badass Women In Comics

38. Hope Summers

Mystique xmen

There’s a certain inevitability about impending badassery whenever the Summers name is brought up, and saviour-of-the-mutant-race Hope Summers goes some way to proving that point true.

She may be young, but as the first mutant born after The House of M story arc—if you haven’t read it, why not?—Hope makes up for her lost years in, let’s call it rambunctiousness.

Despite the name, Hope shares no blood link with Scott or any other Summers. Instead, she had Cable for a guardian travelling through time and learning how to survive in apocalyptic settings.

So, why is Hope more badass than Jean Grey, some of you might ask? She too shares a connection with the Phoenix Force, and whereas Jean’s bad side tends to only appear when it does, Hope is much more readily inclined to not be the goody two shoes of the group.

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