50 Most Badass Women In Comics

34. Psylocke

Mystique xmen
Marvel Comics

Another member who spends a lot of time around the X-Mansion, Psylocke is far from the most heavily advertised of fighting females, but between her power set, sometimes abrasive personality and overall look, she’s more than deserving of her seat among such esteemed company.

The sister of Captain Britain, Betsy Braddock has always possessed some level of mental and telepathic ability—but that potentially quite boring path was given a welcome boost when she had her MIND PLACED IN THE BODY OF A NINJA, Kwannon.

Since then, Psylocke has psychic-knifed and psi-katana’d and psi-potato peeler’d her way into her own bracket of badass.

For further evidence, see: Olivia Munn in X-Men: Apocalypse.

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