50 Most Badass Women In Comics

22. Catwoman

Mystique xmen
DC Comics

We might as well get it out of the way: No, we’re not talking Halle Berry.

Despite what the 2004 film may have led some to believe, Catwoman is one of the original DC badasses and dates back to 1940, since which Selina Kyle has sleuthed her way into all our hearts, whether it be as questionable do-gooder or a blatant thief.

Probably the least badass thing about Catwoman is also her most badass aspect: There’s nothing all that special about her. An extensive knowledge of locks, Olympic-level gymnast ability and martial arts training is all this black PVC-draped minx has in her arsenal, which proves more than sufficient for her mostly selfish means.

After all, no normal woman could tame the Bat.

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