50 Most Badass Women In Comics

11. Valkyrie

Mystique xmen
Marvel Comics

Just missing out on a place in the top 10 is Valkyrie, another Asgardian entry whose shared a battlefield with Thor and more than held her own.

One of the few in Asgard capable of matching her ability in combat is the aforementioned Sif—both have been love interests of Thor, this is awkward—but there’s more to being a badass than the fight alone.

Valkyrie was selected by Odin himself to lead the Valkyrior, a group of female warriors tasked with bringing fallen soldiers of Asgard to Valhalla, a section of the Norse afterlife. what also sets her apart, however, is the fact she uses an enchanted sword called Dragonfang, often found atop her winged horse, Aragorn. ARAGORN.

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